
5 Advantages of Paint Protection Film

Once the internal combustion engine broke onto the scene well over a hundred years ago, the modern automobile quickly followed, and the end result is that we have tens of millions of automobiles cruising around on the roads today. There are many differences that these cars have, but they all also have a few things in common. For instance, they all have wheels and tires that are needed in order to function. They all must pass safety standards and have things like strong chassis and seat belts. They all also share in common the fact that they’re painted to look good once they leave the factory floor. Though what happens after that is really up to you, in terms of how well the paint is protected and what it looks like.

This is where a quality paint protection film, like that available at Calgary PPF, can really come in handy. PPF technology started many years ago when helicopter blades were coated with a thin yet strong chemical plastic material. Today’s automobiles using PPF tech can really benefit in numerous ways. Perhaps you have been considering PPF for your car but haven’t been completely sold on this aftermarket upgrade. You may want to know the benefits of PPF and whether or not it’s worth the investment. Here are some of the top benefits you can experience with quality PPF.

The Top 5 Benefits of a Protective Paint Film

1: Make Your Car Easier to Clean

The first big benefit of PPF, if it is a good one, is that it makes your car a whole lot easier to clean. With the quality PPF material, your car’s body is actually very slick, and so nothing really wants to stick on it. Bird droppings can be easily wiped off with a paper towel. Mud and dirt and debris that splash up on the automobile while on the road will typically all dry and fall off, or the rain will wash it away. This is a protective film, and it really earns that name when it comes to keeping your car much cleaner.

The cool thing about having a car with a PPF layer is that even if it does get really dirty and grimy, it doesn’t take long at all to clean it at a basic car wash. A little blast from a water hose will send all of that dirt running off. This is a great option for people who live on dirt roads or in areas where their cars are constantly getting dirty.

2: Saves the Paint Job from Basic Damage

Another very strong benefit you will experience with a paint protection film is that you’re creating a very strong layer of protection against common damage. Think about driving your regular car up and down the road every day. You seem to constantly notice where gravel and other debris have shot up off the road and have chipped the paint. You notice new scratches in the paint all the time, and you have no real idea how they got there. PPF puts an end to most of this.

All of that tiny debris on the road that shoots up will end up hitting the plastic PPF and bouncing right off, not causing damage to the actual paint. This is because the debris is not contacting the actual paint. They’re hitting the protective film, and as long as it’s not penetrating the film itself, it’s causing absolutely zero damage to the paint underneath.

3: A Layer of True Protection

While debris can be a problem when driving in rough terrain, the sun is a constant problem. The thing about the sun is that its UV rays are going to damage most paint, even in the dead of winter when it’s incredibly cold. As long as the sun is out there shining, your paint is fading. More than that, however, your paint is also drying out and so it’s cracking and chipping and becoming much thinner and weaker.

PPF will help your paint survive the elements out there, including the sun and different sorts of water damage, due to the fact that these elements are not making any direct contact with your paint. Over the course of many years, the harsh elements will damage and weaken your PPF, though not your paint. So you may eventually have to replace your PPF, but the paint job underneath will look as good as the day it was painted.

4: Car Looks Newer and Shinier for Longer

Speaking of how your car is going to look with PPF, it’s never going to fade. It’s never going to dry or chip or crack. It won’t be damaged by rain, snow, the sun, small debris, or any other issue that will eat away at the paint job without a protective film over it. This is an especially big benefit for people who get custom aftermarket paint jobs. You’re investing a lot of money into getting the exact sort of look you want for your car, and throwing some PPF on it means that your paint job is indefinitely protected.

All of the things that typically damage paint are repelled easily by quality PPF. Think of it like that plastic film they put over your stove’s controls or the ice maker settings on your fridge. After a few years, you start to notice scratches and build-up, but it’s only on the plastic. You pull the plastic off, and things look shiny and brand new, like the day you bought the item. It’s the same here with your car’s paint job.

5: Increases the Car’s Value

We do a lot of things to increase the value of our cars. Most of the time, the things we do are so our cars are valuable to us. We want them to look great, feel great and run great, and so we do things like getting PPF coverage and aftermarket rims, stereos, etc. These things will also increase the car’s resale value in the long run, in case you ever want to sell your car. This is especially true for trade-in value. A car with a brilliant paint job that’s been protected will command potentially thousands of more dollars in trade-in value when you’re taking it to the lot. It’s definitely a great way to increase the value of your automobile.

Listed above are just a few of the many different benefits that you can experience with PPF. This film is light, entirely invisible, and incredibly strong. It can protect your paint, make your car’s paint look newer and shinier, and even increase its value. It’s definitely an upgrade worth making.

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