
What does a Full Car Service Include – 2020 Beginners Guide?

Getting your car serviced is a very important thing that every car owner should do. But the subject becomes more complex when you get down to the nitty-gritty. Namely, there is more than one way to get your car serviced. Because of this, questions arise regarding what these services are and which one to schedule.

In this article, we are going to be explaining what a full car service is and what it includes. But before that, let’s get into more detail about car servicing.

What Is Car Servicing?

Car servicing is when you take your car to the service. Very straightforward and very self-explanatory, but we also mentioned that there is more than one way to do it. There are three types and each one specializes differently. The three types are interim, full, and major. Each one differentiates based on the number of checks.

An interim service involves 25 checks, while a full service involves passing your vehicle through 40 checks. The biggest is a major service and it involves up to 60 checks.

These are important because they make sure your vehicle doesn’t go bust and breakdown. It ensures that your vehicle is up to driving and safety standards and it makes sure that you won’t spend thousands of dollars on repairs that could be prevented.

Why Should You Do It

You should know exactly why you should be taking your vehicle for a full service. And the reasons are quite obvious. We touched on them briefly in the previous part, but let’s elaborate in greater detail.


The number one reason why you should have your car serviced is down to safety issues. In most cases, you will be driving your family and other people. This means that you are directly responsible for their safety. Their safety is your number one concern, and one way to compromise their safety is by driving an unsafe vehicle.

Getting your vehicle through a full service will make sure that safety doesn’t become a concern while driving.. This eliminates risk and helps mitigate costly errors.


If you want your vehicle to breakdown and in need of repairs, then you’re asking for it. Money is important to everyone, and everyone looks for ways to spend less money. One way to do that is to have your vehicle go through a full-service check to make sure that there are no problems with it. If any of the checks come back as negative, then you’ll need to repair those.

You will still pay money for it, but you’ll pay significantly less than what you’ll pay if the vehicle breaks down while driving.

Longer Lifespan

Another important reason why you need a full service is that it increases the lifespan of your vehicle. Regular checks help uncover issues and problems that directly impact your vehicle’s health.
By uncovering these issues and solving them promptly, you are increasing the lifespan of your vehicle.


Everyone wants to retain the value of their vehicle for as long as possible. On average, vehicles lose as much as 40% of their value after the first three years. That number can either go into stagnation or slowly maintain a net-positive if you keep it in perfect condition. When our vehicles are in perfect condition and shape, it’s easier for us to get more value when selling.

What Does A Full Service Include?

We’ve finally reached the part of the article where we explain what full service is.

Car service companies, such as, have made it easy for us to explain what a full service includes. The list is quite lengthy and detailed, so pay attention as there are more than 40 checks to account for.

While we won’t be mentioning all 40 checks, we will mention the most important ones. For the full checklist of what a full service includes, we suggest you talk to the professionals about it.

Now, let’s get started.

General Check

The general check checks the external lights, the warning lamps, and the horn.


This is the part where the professionals check everything that has to do with internal and vision parts. These include anything that has to do with the windscreen, wipers, plates, seat belts, etc.


Probably the most important part of the full service has to do with the engine. The engine is the most important part of the vehicle and it must be in top-notch condition.

When going through full car service, professionals will check the drain oil, replace the oil filter, replace the air filter, replace new oil, check the antifreeze, check the coolant, look for oil leaks, and dozens of others.


Equally important are the brakes, so a professional will also check their condition. This includes a full report on their condition, whether or not they require fluid replacement, check the brake pads for wear, check the discs for wear, check the brake pipes and hoses, etc.

Wheels & Tires

This one is pretty straightforward as all a professional has to check is the condition and depth of each tire as well as the pressure.

Steering & Suspension

How could we possibly drive our vehicle without a steering wheel? Because of that, a professional will check the condition of road springs, the steering wheel fluid reservoir, inspect the various steering and suspension components, and look for any signs of damage.


You might think that the exhaust isn’t very important, but you’d be greatly mistaken. If the exhaust isn’t in perfect shape, then you’ll be losing a lot of fuel and shooting out deadly fumes. Because of that, a professional will inspect the condition of the exhaust and check for any exhaust smoke.

Final Checks

And lastly, a pro will make one final check and advice on the next one. As a general rule, you should schedule a full car service once every 12,000 miles. If you don’t manage to hit 12,000, then schedule one once a year.

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