
Auto workshops: 9 diverse services to attract more customers!

Auto workshops are a business and as with anyone, the goal is to attract customers to increase sales and hence profits. In this area of ​​activity, competition is increasing, so it is necessary to know how to stand out from the majority and offer varied services.

Of course you can also succeed by focusing only on one area of ​​mechanics and specializing in that service, but in that case, the number of customers you will attract will be less. As we intend to give you suggestions to increase your list of customers, we will tell you 9 essential services that you should make available in auto repair shops. Remember that apart from the number of services, it is important to ensure its quality as well as a good service. But of course, you can’t forget the element of promotion. It is highly recommended to contact a kind of “cheap brochure printing near me”. With brochures, you can get more prospective customers.

It is not intended here that it offers 20 or 30 bad services; it must only provide the amount that it manages to assure with maximum efficiency, sufficient to attract more consumers and to provide a service with quality and excellence.

Then we suggest some services. Check our list and bet on a varied and differentiated offer.

9 Essential services in auto workshops

1. Repair of damaged vehicles, plates and paint

This kind of service seems totally logical. It is difficult to conceive of the existence of auto repair shops that do not make such repairs. Unfortunately, accidents, with more or less damage are frequent, so here you will have great odds of business.

2. Replacement car

At times when your customers even have to leave the car in the workshop, but need a vehicle for travel, offering the possibility of a replacement car, can be an asset to auto workshops.

3. Car Diagnostics and Review

Frequent maintenance is essential for vehicles to have a long service life, so it is vital that your workshop has a system that allows a vehicle diagnosis and also offers a complete overhaul.

4. Verification and repair of electrical systems

All vehicles have electrical components, so you must have someone who specializes in this area who can do analyzes and repairs.

5. Changing and Calibrating Tires


For greater driving safety, checking tires and calibrating them is essential. Providing this service is another possibility to increase the list of customers.

6. Directional alignment

The provision of a tire change service must be consolidated with the possibility of making the respective steering alignment. This is why it is a type of service that you should also provide, not only for the customers who change the tires in their workshop but also for other drivers who may need to align the direction of their vehicles.

7.  Suspension checks

This service is intertwined with tire change and alignment but may also be needed in isolation and is equally essential for the proper functioning of cars. It must, therefore, be included in your offer.

8. Change of oil

Checking and changing oil is frequent care and not all people are able to do so. This is a simple service that can generate more profits.

9. Car wash

This may be an option that will attract more customers to your workshop because not everyone is able to wash and clean their cars in their homes. Offering this service will bring more customers to whom you can present other services available in your workshop.


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