
Buying Your First Car: 4 Tips To Get The Best Deal

First off, congratulate yourself for achieving your very first car, which becomes a milestone in itself. And, after working so hard for so long, now it’s something you can finally afford. The excitement in purchasing is immeasurable on your part; however, it’s important not to rush the buying process. A car is a big-ticket purchase that it’s certainly not like buying a shirt that you can immediately return if you find it doesn’t fit you or that you aren’t happy with it. So, if you’re looking to buy a car, get in touch with reputed dealers like to get the best deal.

Take note that the ‘best deal’ doesn’t only mean having the lowest price. It also entails choosing the vehicle which turns out to be the best for your needs, preferences, and lifestyle, even in the long run.

If you need to be sure of that goal, here are four time-tested tips:

1. Be Prepared With Information

Whether you’re buying a new or an old car, the process starts the same. As soon as you’ve decided it’s time to buy a new one, your research process commences. It means that you have to start weeks before you will decide to visit car dealerships. The more information you have for a purchase, the higher the chances of a worth-it buy.

This preparation points out two general facets:

  • Look for an approved financing option. It applies if you’re buying your car using a loan. Car dealerships will usually have recommendations for lenders or credit institutions you can take out your loan. But, it’s to your advantage to have done your research from sites like If you have preferred lenders, discuss those options with the car dealership representative.
  • Choose from at least three to five car options. Perhaps, you’ve been eyeing a particular model for the longest time now, but you are not sure if this is best for your needs. You don’t want to scramble on at the very last minute and settle with your choice to you at the car dealership.

That way, if your first choice doesn’t turn out to be the best choice for your budget and needs, you’ve also done your part to research on other options which may be just as viable as your very       first choice.

  • Price range. Comparing the price is needed so you can decide on the price cap you’re willing to pay. The reason for this is that knowing there’s a local dealer in your area offering the car you want for the lowest price, why would you opt for another that’s not willing to price match?

You shouldn’t have to pay any more than you ought to for the car of your choice. If  there’s a dealer that gives you the best discounts and offers, go for that one. Along with the price, there are other important factors you have to consider.

2. Set The Ground Rules

Before you walk into a dealership, you should prepare yourself with the things you intend to achieve: not just there to buy a car but there to get the best deal. So, it means you have to learn how to set the course of the conversation as ground rules are coming from your end. Don’t be easily persuaded into the sales talk of the salesperson that will try to lure you for their sales. Remember, on their end, they might try to achieve the opposite as you. So, you must know how to deal with them. Rather than be drawn into their terms, let the salesperson know about the following:

  • If the salesperson can give you the best possible deal they can offer, you’re willing to close the deal right there and then. If not, you intend to visit other dealerships.
  • You have already done your research on the vehicle and you’re keen on doing a test drive as a non-negotiable requirement to decide on the car.
  • Along with the other bullet points above, here are other tips in price negotiation.

3. Assess Your Needs And Budget

Buying a car necessarily entails matching your needs with your budget. You should not decide based on the price alone if the car itself might not meet your needs. Otherwise, you may start to regret it. When this happens, unfortunately, it means you might not have the best offer of purchasing a car. Since this is your first car, you want it to last and your family for many years in your hands. To reach your budget: it is best to begin this process with an open mind. The more willing you are to consider other options, the higher the chances that you might come across the best car for your needs and budget.

4. Schedule Your Car Purchase Strategically

Yes, you have scheduled a particular time to buy your first car. But, did you know that there are also certain times in the year identified for best to buy? It is usually in times when dealers are most generous with their offers. End of a model year, such as when car dealers are then going to release new models of a particular car, so the older versions may go for a better price. If you don’t mind not getting the latest model if the exchange is a much lower price, then this is your best bet. Holidays. During this time, they usually offer the best discounts as well. Also, they may offer freebies or add-ons. Click here to have an idea as to what those freebies and add-ons are.


The process of negotiating your first car purchase and looking for the best deals might be excruciating but rewarding. It’s good to feel to enjoy and have fun using your dream car without sacrificing your budget. Given that it’s somewhat expensive, the best option possible is essential for your purchase. You can experience the luxury and importance of having a car with your family for a long time.  As you head out car shopping quite soon, try to have these tips you read above.

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