Car parts

How To Improve Your Car Brakes And Increase Their Performance And Safety

When you are traveling by road in your car, you do different things to ensure the safety of people in the car and enhance the car’s performance. For example, brakes are an important auto part of the car, ensuring safety and excellent performance on the road.

Do you remember the last time you traveled in a car, and there was a sudden speed breaker on the road?

The damage could have been severe if the brakes were not efficient enough.

Hence, brakes are the underlined components of the car that should enjoy proper limelight. Of course, there can be various reasons why the brake pedals witness depreciation. But, it is common for all car owners to want that the car brakes should last long.

Are there any ways to make this happen?

Let’s gather an idea about the same.

1. Reducing The Car Load

Believe it or not, the load that any car carries impacts its performance on the road and on the brake application, too. If you cannot understand this fact, try and understand it thoroughly!

For example, if you have an empty cart. There is no pressure on the wheels, so the movement is simpler and easier. On the other hand, if you begin loading the cart with weight more than its designated capability, it will get difficult to move and push it forward. The cart wheels will also feel pressured, and there shall be more problems. The same case exists with the car, its wheels, and the weight inside the car. It should not be overloaded. It is the first step towards performance upgrades.

Overloading can decrease the life of your car brakes in the long run. Also, it will invite expenditure and maintenance requirements earlier than when they should arise. As a result, the whole cycle will be disrupted. Hence, you should ensure lightweight vehicles for easier brake applications.

2. Conservative Brake Applications

Another tip for you to extend the life of your car brakes and their performance is by using them conservatively.

Is there a way for conservative brake applications?

So, it does not mean you should reduce or stop applying the brakes. Instead, it means that its intensity while being used should be relatively less. It would help if you drove in a manner that allows you to enjoy some time and space on the road. Hence, you can slow down when there is a need for the same. You should avoid slamming the brakes and getting on and off the pedal.

There are three safety habits behind this concept that are as follows:

  • It would help if you did not focus only on the car right in front of you. It would help if you had a fair idea of the road for the defense mechanism against any potential hazards or slowdown requirements.
  • You should pay attention to the driver’s driving pattern and brace yourself got any sudden line change, accident, rash driving, or slowdowns.
  • It would help if you placed the heel of your right foot in the space between the accelerator and the brake. Your seat should be adjusted so that the ball of your foot can reach the brake pedal’s center. It will help you with the flexibility to apply pressure on either pedal whenever such a requirement occurs.

3. Investing In A Big Brake Kit

The big brake kit is commonly known as the BBK. Better braking has another essential stop in the form of an investment in the braking kit. When you have a wider surface area belonging to the larger discs, you can unveil various benefits.

It helps in improving heat dissipation. Now, what does this exactly stand for?

It means there will be longer and more hard stops before the fade begins to set in.

Also, there are rotors available in cross-drilled and slotted forms. The former is known for its cooling properties. However, it tends to crack over time because of thermal contraction and expansion. So, you should consult before buying them.

Further, the kit should have brake pads that promise high friction and performance. However, the brand of the pads should be considered before making the final payment. Normal wear and tear of the pads are fine, but if they impact the depreciation of the rotor, it is a matter of concern.

4. Use Of Qualitative And High-Temperature Fluids

If the braking system generates more heat, it can be problematic for the car and the passengers inside. Hence, the first thing you should do is decode the reason behind such an enormous heat production. For example, it can be because the car driver is hauling it down at high speed. Also, it can be because of the pad and rotor upgradation, which initiates the generation of greater forces at the autocross. Once you decide the reason, it will be easier to consider the performance brake fluid options you have for your vehicle.

You will notice that these fluids are sold with DOT coding. However, if you plan to use it for performance enhancement, DOT 4 is the best pick, as it provides the best heat resistance.

5. Regular Inspection

Regular maintenance holds equal importance while ensuring good performance and safety. Hence, you should pay attention to the signs that your car gives. They indicate servicing and maintenance. For example, if you hear a squealing sound or, on some days, if your car takes more time to stop, it means that issues are being developed or have been developed.

When you see a reduction in the pressure applied on the brake lever, you should immediately get the brake pads checked. Timely servicing and supervision helps to ensure passenger safety and good overall performance.

Also, the golden rule is that you should prefer quality. Sometimes, quality products can be expensive, too. But, before buying, you should discuss the same with an expert. After all, when it comes to performance and passenger safety, money should not be a question.


All these factors will help you understand the requirements the car owners need to fulfill to ensure that their vehicle performs at its best. Negligence can be dangerous. Each life is important, so you should take all possible steps to ensure the safety of all while traveling in the car.

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