
Understand your Legal Options after a Truck Accident

Have you ever found yourself in an accident where you didn’t know what to do, or how to react? Trucking accidents are also quite common, and preventing them or knowing how to react will help every individual in the future. If you found yourself with minor injuries and you’re wondering what to do or how to react now – keep on reading and understand all possibilities.

What are some of the most common causes of trucking accidents?
  1. Speeding – the most common reason why you might be in an accident. Some drivers are paid per hour, which means that they will focus on delivering the goods as fast as possible, which can result in a crash.


  1. Underrides – cars can end up sliding underneath the truck. This happens when both parties are not paying attention.


  1. Overloading – happens due to excessive weight. Some trucks are not aware of their capabilities and their limitations.


  1. Poor training – some drivers are simply bad drivers and they haven’t had adequate training in the past.


  1. Distracted – truckers can get distracted, mostly due to texting, eating, or drinking. This is quite common for those who are often on the road and for several hours, or sometimes even for days.


  1. Maintenance problems – some just don’t take care of their vehicle & are not as responsible as they should be. They don’t get their trucks regularly checked or fixed.

What is the legal process in a trucking accident case?

Timeline & actions that are taken can vary a lot, but in most cases, you will see this pattern:

  1. A) Gathering of records and evidence
  2. B) Examination and questioning
  3. C) Mediation
  4. D) Pre-trial
  5. E) Trial

However, you don’t have to let it get this far & this messy, just keep on reading and make sure that your judgment is proper.

Top 7 steps that you need to do

  1. Call the police

This one might seem like typical and common advice, but some people neglect this part and don’t think of it as a solution since they are under a lot of stress, or they are in shock. You should call the police since they will help with your judgment of the situation while writing everything down and having it on paper. They will have accurate records of all of the involved vehicles, and you will feel a lot less under pressure by approaching the situation with someone who is a professional.

  1. Do you need a medic?

Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, is the other party okay, or how well is your judgment? You should get a team of medics who will evaluate your situation. Although you may not be bleeding or showing signs of wounds, you could be experiencing internal bleeding and internal injuries. This is something that only a qualified staff member or a doctor can diagnose.

  1. Document everything

Document everything if you feel like the police won’t get there on time, or if you feel like they did a poor job themselves. You can include different photos and witness information that can come in handy for your insurance company, as well as your lawyer. You should document any external factors, such as the weather & forecast. Was the road slippery, and was it foggy? This can help with your further development of the case.

  1. Think about the witnesses


A witness is someone who has witnessed and saw a car crash. This can be someone who was in a car nearby or who is a bystander. If the policy is too busy you should approach the witness and ask for their phone number. This way, you two will keep in touch and stay informed about any future trials or events. They will help you get out of this messy situation and will help you land a great deal as long as they are on your side.

  1. Get your vehicle examined

Your vehicle might have visible signs of damage, but repair estimates are often covered and done through an insurance claim. Each insurance is different in its own way, and they will have different questions & forms for you to answer to. They will pay for your damage only if you’ve been able to provide them with their needed evidence. Make sure that you know what they can cover for you, such as roadside assistance, transportation service, as well as any minor or major repairs. Every insurance is different, so know your options.

  1. Don’t say things when you’re heated

This is important advice to follow. You might feel like you are overheating at any situation since accidents can bring out the worst in you, and anxiety, fear, as well as rage, can take over. However, try to keep that flame under control, and don’t say (or do) something that you will regret down the road. Make sure that you:

  • Don’t admit that it is your fault
  • Don’t take action when under pressure
  • Don’t scream or yell
  • Try not to lose your temper
  • Only talk to the police

If you’re on your own it can be quite hard to process and inspect the situation. So, in this case, stay relaxed & cool.

  1. Call your lawyer

If you were in an accident on your own or with your friends and family just know that all of you will need a lawyer. However, it might be hard for you to follow their steps (since each case is different), but all of you should still get a lawyer that will represent your needs. Your lawyer will help with your settlement amount, and they will help you with specific federal regulations associated with trucking. will help you with your case. They are a law firm based in Ontario, founded in 2018 with a goal to help victims who have been hurt or injured in a crash, families who have lost their loved ones due to negligence, as well as employees who have been unfairly terminated.

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