
The Pros and Cons of Owning a Car in College

Going to college is one of the most significant experiences in any young adults’ life. You get to meet multiple different people and form bonds that are going to last you a lifetime. Many people always dream of having a car in college and ask the question, how to buy a car in college? A college is a place of freedom where you get to shape your experiences, and nothing screams freedom like having your vehicle.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems. There are many different pros and cons of cars, which many people do not know about. Typically, used cars for college students seem to be the best option. They’re cheap and affordable, being an easy way to make all those extra trips from college that are oh so memorable. If you’re not looking for a used car, you can always cosign a lease with your parent or guardian. Yet, there are separate pros and cons of cosigning a car loan.

If you’re interested in owning a car in college, ensure that you choose the best car for college students. Make sure you fully consider all the pros and cons before making such a massive investment decision.

Let’s go over the list of all the pros first.


Naturally, when it comes to owning your vehicle, several advantages are going to be available.

1. Freedom to Travel

First and foremost, the most significant advantage of having your vehicle is the freedom to travel everywhere. This becomes especially handy if your college is in a different city and allows you to explore at your own pace. While most cities have comprehensive reaching public transport systems, there’s nothing quite like taking your car out at your leisure.

The potential is endless. Regardless of whether you live on-campus or off-campus, having your vehicle is going to be a significant advantage. Also, it helps the fact that having your car is going to make you instantly accessible among your friends.

If you ever feel homesick as well, you can take weekends off and make your way back home just as quickly. There’s no doubt that having your car is going to give you a lot of freedom.

2. Convenience

Another thing that you’ll find with owning a car in college is the level of convenience. For many individuals moving out to college is the first time they’re going to be living independently. While colleges are relatively sheltered environments, there are regular trips to the grocery stores you’ll have to make. It becomes much easier to make those trips and carry your groceries if you have your car.

Additionally, you’re never at the mercy of external circumstances. You can take your vehicle out whenever you need, and wherever you want to go. It also means that you’ll be able to get your shopping done quickly in a single trip. No more long hauls to the grocery store to get everything you need.

Moreover, having your car means that if you ever need to make an emergency supply run, you always have that transport at the ready.

Another little thing that can help bring a lot of convenience to your college life is getting a certified essay writing service that provides you with reliable papers. If you’re in Australia, check this page if you need a trustworthy essay writing service with the best writers. There’s nothing wrong with working towards increasing your level of convenience. So, if you ever in a position where University is stressing you out, remember you always have options.

3. Moving In and Out Is Easy

When you’re in college, one of the most common things you’ll experience is moving in and out after semester breaks. With your car, you won’t have to ask a friend or your parents for a ride. You can move in and out quickly at your comfort without having to bother anyone.

Furthermore, with your car, you’ll have the luxury of bringing with you a lot more luggage. Everything will get much easier when you have your vehicle. When you’re back at college, moving in will be much simpler cause you can take your time with things. Take all the essentials at first, and take your other items at whatever pace seems suitable.


However, not everything is all rosy when it comes to owning a car. There are several different issues that arise when you own a car at college. These problems range from high costs to vehicular maintenance, and it’d be in your best interest to go over these as well.

1. Excessive Costs

One of the most significant issues you’re going to encounter with having a car on campus is the cost. Universities aren’t exactly cheap when it comes to allocating their parking spots. While there are often different spots available for varying prices, they tend to all be above $100 every semester.

Those aren’t the only costs you’re going to have to encounter while owning your vehicle. You’re also going to have to pay for gas, and insurance, among other things.

2. Vehicle Maintenance

This will especially become important if you buy a second-hand vehicle. Every vehicle requires its maintenance. However, older vehicles need a lot more support. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, you’re going to be looking at a very hefty repair bill.

However, it becomes much more manageable if you’re handy with repairing the car yourself. Not taking proper care of your vehicle can lead to more significant issues in the future. If you’re going to own a car in college, you need to take into account everything you need for the maintenance of the vehicle.

3. Automatic Chauffeur Status

While having a car is going to be a definite advantage in terms of your popularity, it can get annoying when people start expecting you to drive them everywhere. However, that’s one thing that’ll happen in your group of friends.

It’s especially annoying when you’re only one in the group with a car. Most people will realize and may sometimes even chip-in with gas money but, that won’t change the fact that you’ll have to do some driving around.

Writing is a vital skill at any age. So, finding more and more useful information on writing can develop your college results. Simply notice how writing can improve your knowledge and organizational skills. It is like a car chassis: the strongest base, the more stable your car is on the go. To build a robust carcass in studying and text creating, you can investigate handbooks, web sources, or click here to find more reliable recommendations on essay writing.

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