Car parts

Tips For Buying Used And Cheap Car Parts From Car Breakers

Being a car owner is very exciting, liberating, and practical. However, it doesn’t matter how good the car you own might be, it’s safe to say that it will, at some point, need a little bit of fixing. This can be very frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be if you know what you’re doing and where you’re buying the spare parts.

Now, depending on the malfunction, you will either have to spend a lot of money or a small amount that won’t really change the quality of your life. However, if the fix is pricey, you should know that Autoparts24 offers used car parts from Germany. There are also other car breakers from Europe you might want to consider and most of them offer quality used car parts.

However, even though buying cheap car parts sounds like a great opportunity to fix your car and not spend too much money, it can also be risky. This is simply because you don’t know who you’re dealing with, especially if you’re ordering the parts online.

Therefore, here are the 5 tips you should consider when buying second-hand car parts.

Know What Your VIN Is

As you can probably assume, not all used parts are compatible with your car. In fact, if you are driving a newer car, only the parts made by the same manufacturer will fit your car. Therefore, you should be very careful. Buying a used car part, no matter how cheap it is, and finding that it’s not a good match for your car is simply a waste of money. This is exactly why you must know what your VIN (vehicle identification number) is before you order the part. This number will allow the seller to get all the necessary information about your car in order to find the compatible part. If you’re doing this online, you will have to wait a few days before you get the information from the seller.

Check For The Part Code

Considering the fact that manufacturers make parts in a way to be compatible only with the vehicles they make, most parts have a code engraved on them. However, the code is usually hidden beneath the grease and filth, especially if you haven’t cleaned the engine in a while. Why should you look for the code? Well, it doesn’t matter how well you explain the car breaker which part you need, there’s always a chance, albeit a small one, they might send you the wrong one. Therefore, if you want to be 100% sure, try to give them the code and they’ll send you the part that fits.

Get Your Parts From A Reputable Car Breaker And Check For Warranty

It doesn’t matter if you are ordering the used car part from Germany, for example, or buying it from your local car breaker, make sure the seller is reputable. There are plenty of scammers in this line of work and they are easy to spot because they are not very transparent. They hide information about the part and they don’t offer a warranty. Truth be told, a lot of car breakers don’t offer a warranty simply because they are selling used car parts, but if you find a seller who does offer it, you can rest assured that their parts are good. If you want to have peace of mind, just make sure you do a little bit of research of a store before you decide to buy. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Send A Photo Of The Broken Part To The Seller

Considering that ordering a used part online can be pretty risky, especially if you don’t know the seller, you should do everything in your power to make this transaction as safe as possible. One of the ways to do this is by sending a photo of the broken car part to the car breaker. This way the people who work at the car part store will be able to compare the part to the ones they have in their store and find you a suitable substitute. Make sure to take photos from every angle. This will make the seller’s job of finding the par much easier.

If you can, make sure to take a photo of the part while it’s still attached to the engine and a few photos once you detach it from the engine. This will give the car breaker a clear picture of what you need. Take photos during the day.

Visit The Car Breaker In Person

Finding a reliable car breaker online is not always an easy thing to do. There are a lot of scammers lurking on the internet and it’s perfectly understandable why some people are a little bit sceptical when it comes to buying used car parts online.

If you are one of those people, you should try to visit the car breaker you found online in person. This is only possible and financially viable if the car breaker shop is somewhere near you. What are the benefits of visiting the car breaker in person? Well, there are plenty of benefits, but the most important one is being able to see the used part in person. This will eliminate the chances of you being scammed.

Also, you can show the car breaker where the part goes in your car and they might fix it there in their shop if they offer that kind of service. If not, they can still get you the best possible part for your car after examining your vehicle.

If it’s possible for you to visit the seller in person, make sure you do it. This is one of the safest ways to buy used car parts.


Buying used car parts is cheaper and more convenient than finding an official distributor or buying a new car. If you have some mechanical skills, you will probably be able to find a part that is compatible with your car. However, if you don’t have experience with used car parts, make sure to be careful when ordering online. Do your research and try to find a reputable seller.

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