
5 Problems You Might Face After a Car Accident

There aren’t many moments in life that are more terrifying and traumatic than the moment your car skids off the road and collides with another vehicle or a telephone pole. In a split second, your entire life could be drastically altered.

Everything seems to be going fine, then suddenly you’re slamming into something, damaging your car, and possibly even getting injured. It’s a jarring experience, and you’d be forgiven for not wanting to deal with any of the repercussions.

In order to minimize the negative impact of a car accident, it’s important to act right away.

One of the worst aspects of a car crash is that it can cause problems long after the vehicles are towed and the accident scene cleaned up. You could be dealing with issues arising from the accident for weeks or months afterward. Let’s take a closer look at the five most common issues you could face after an accident, to help better prepare you.

Car Problems

Naturally, the biggest and most obvious problem that you may have after an accident is the car itself. Worst-case scenario, it might be completely crushed or mangled, or otherwise damaged so seriously that the insurance company will declare it totaled.

If your ride incurs just a few dents or scratches on the exterior, count yourself lucky — although bear in mind that there may be problems that are not apparent right now, that will crop up down the line.

After an accident, you may notice things like leaking fluids underneath your vehicle, a rumbling noise or vibrating sensation when you drive, or that the car veers to one side or another. It’s a good idea to pay extra attention to your car after an accident and be on the lookout for any signs of an issue.

If you can, you should take your car to the shop and have your mechanic give it a thorough inspection. They will alert you to underlying issues you might not have caught on your own. It’s better to take care of the issue now, rather than having it cause a breakdown while you’re on the road later.

Medical Issues

The other major concern after a car accident? Your health and well-being. Depending on the severity of the accident, you could experience anything from minor bumps and bruises to broken bones, a concussion, or even partial or full paralysis.

Whether or not you experience a serious injury after an accident, it’s a good idea to visit a doctor. A medical professional will give you a thorough examination, looking for signs and symptoms that might point to a chronic condition later on. Determining any lingering issues, even ones you may not have been aware of, is vital. If any party decides to bring a lawsuit, having that medical documentation will be crucial.

Additionally, the doctor will discuss with you the best course of treatment to help you get back on your feet sooner rather than later.

Emotional Stress

It’s not uncommon for people who have been involved in a car accident to experience emotional pain along with physical pain. Collisions and crashes are stressful, scary events, and the trauma they inflict can do lasting damage. That’s especially true if you don’t make the effort now to work through that trauma in a healthy, productive way.

You may find it difficult to get behind the wheel again for some time. When you eventually do take your first post-accident drive, it may cause you a lot of anxiety.  Rather than rushing things, give yourself some recovery time before you return to the road and only do so when you are ready.

That said, if you wait too long, the avoidance may actually make things worse. If it’s been a while since your accident, and you’re still uncomfortable driving, you should consider talking to a therapist to help you get back behind the wheel. A professional therapist or counselor can be invaluable in overcoming any lingering fear, anger, anxiety, or other emotions, as well.

Legal Troubles

Serious car accidents may lead to legal action, in which case you’ll require the help of a lawyer who specializes in personal injury. The road to a settlement can be confusing and time-consuming, and if you want to succeed in receiving damages, you won’t want to do it on your own. One reason to secure the services of a lawyer is that, depending on the circumstances, you may be still dealing with drawn-out legal troubles for months or even years after the accident.

Let an experienced attorney use their skills in the legal arena, while you focus on your recovery. To learn more about how a lawyer can help you through the legal aftermath of a car accident you can click here.

Financial Problems

Finally, there are the financial implications of an accident. Just as in all other aspects of a car wreck, the monetary hit you take will run the gamut from negligible to devastating.

In the best-case scenario, you escape with no injuries and your car only has a few minor scratches. More serious accidents may require you to pay out a significant amount of money to get your life back in order. You could be looking at expenses associated with exorbitant medical bills, costly car repair, or even fixing the damage that you caused to someone else’s property.

Insurance may cover the bulk of this outlay, but it won’t always cover everything. Even those who have adequate auto insurance policy will need to pay a deductible. When all is said and done, you might be on the hook for handing over dollar amounts in the hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Take Your Time and Take Each Problem As It Comes

Although they may seem daunting, the problems that crop up after a car accident can be overcome. It may take some time and money to do so, but with the assistance of medical professionals, insurance representatives, and of course your own family and friends, you’ll eventually conquer these challenges.

Perhaps your most important ally in the aftermath of a crash is an experienced, compassionate attorney who will lead the charge in securing compensation for your expenses and emotional damages. There are statutes of limitations at play, so contact a lawyer as soon as possible to arrange a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

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